About Trees For Travellers
Trees for Travellers is a unique project, managed by IWK (Innovative Waste Kaikōura Ltd.) Our aim is simple; to increase the biodiversity of Kaikōura by encouraging people to buy a New Zealand tree, which we plant on reserves in and around Kaikōura. By buying a tree you are helping us return trees and bird life to Kaikōura township and will also make a contribution to offsetting your greenhouse gas emissions, created in your travels.
Kaikōura is world-renowned for being one of the most beautiful places on earth and we take sustainability seriously. We want to protect Kaikoura for the future generations.
So buy a tree today, a powerful way to make a simple change to the environment.
Our Trees
For simplicity we sell only 2 types of tree: Small (such as native shrubs and flax) and Large (such as Totara, Rimu and Akeake). These are then planted on local reserves around Kaikōura. For more information or to buy one of our trees, click here

Tui onNZ Flax (Harakeke) flowers | Kaikōura | South Island | NZ

NZ Akeake | Kaikōura | South Island | NZ

Tui onNZ Flax (Harakeke) flowers | Kaikōura | South Island | NZ

Kaikōura was once clad in bush from the mountains to the sea. Gradually this was removed by Māori or Europeans who settled here to make way for farms and settlements. Today the area left in native bush has diminished considerably and along with it the birds and other fauna. Trees for Travellers aims to turn that around. For more information on biodiversity in New Zealand click here (Dept of Conservation)
Biodiversity Information Online (BIO)
The word biodiversity is short for ‘biological diversity’ and simply means the variety of life on earth.
Climate Change
Climate change is one of the biggest issues we face today.
The damage we have done to the planet and our environment is detrimental and we are doing our bit to make a positive impact. Planting trees is a simple way to do this. Trees not only absorb harmful greenhouse gases and help cool the planet, they provide shelter and food for our local wildlife.
Buy a tree today to contribute.
And for more information on climate change click here (Ministry for the Environment)